
From my many years of experience teaching in the private sector, I see first hand how important it is to nurture happy and confident students where they flourish to achieve great things.

The key to this success is by playing to your child’s learning strengths, which is my main focus of 1-to-1 lessons. I am passionate about creating bespoke study plans for each of my students and keep an open dialogue with parents about it.

I teach children who are preparing for their 7+, 8+, Pre-tests and 11+. Working with parents and teachers to ensure a consistent approach is in place and a structure that allows children to reach their full potential.

The exceptional knowledge that I have gained from working with a vast range of children with special educational needs and disabilities has led me to offer teaching for children with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia. I have worked with the most extreme of cases and have always been successful in making advancements for my students.

I live in Cobham, Surrey where I have a dedicated classroom in my garden ready and waiting for eager minds to learn. I’m equally happy to travel to your home as well as delivering online learning.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin